
Archive for January, 2008

Grapes and apes, oh my!

I am a proud card-carrying member of FONZ, or the Friends of the National Zoo. My membership commenced when I decided to create a children’s picture book about 10 zoo animals (more on that later), and featured all of my own photography as the illustrations. A FONZ family membership entitled my mom and I to free parking, free access to many other zoos in the zoo network (how cool is that?!), and a bi-monthly publication (among other things).

I just saw this ad in the February/March 2008 issue of Wildlife Adventures:

Grapes with the Apes

For $40 ($55 non-FONZ members), you get to “toast wildlife conservation with FONZ Young Professionals at the Zoo’s winetasting event, Grapes with the Apes. Sample wines and hors d’oeuvres from a variety of wineries and area restaurants, enjoy live music, animal demonstrations and exclusive access to the Zoo’s Great Ape House.”

Grapes with the Apes is on Thursday, April 10 from 6 – 9 p.m. The ticket price includes all wine samplings, food, entertainment and a commemorative glass, and proceeds from this event will benefit the Zoo’s conservation efforts! 

I think it sounds like loads of fun, don’t you? If anyone wants to go, give me a shout and we’ll make an evening of it! 😉

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I *heart* Courtney

There is nothing better than coming home after an “eh” day of work followed by a pretty decent workout at the gym, opening up the mailbox to pull out what seems to be the regular, daily dose of junk mail and finding a gem hidden inside the folds of the Pennysaver:

Courtney Jan08postcard front      Courtney Jan08postcard back

The smile that this postcard put on my face today could have lit up Paris for an evening, warmed the icy cartoon heart of Cruella de Vil, or perhaps guided the next Space Shuttle home from Mars.

You see, while I love Courtney for a vast multitude of reasons, I *heart* her for:

1. Taking the time to write out ‘Thank You’ and ‘Congratulations’ notes and leave them stuck to my door in the mornings.

2. Sending postcards while she’s on travel, and collecting postcards from friends’ trips. (like me!)

3. Loving words. And definitions. And combinations of words. And magnetic poetry. And penmanship.

4. Knowing that without a doubt one of the most depressing things in a person’s life is a mailbox full of ads for cheap pizza, bills you’re not prepared to pay this week month, and envelopes addressed to “Current Homeowner.”

5. Doing something about #4.

So THANK YOU COURTNEY, for making my day! I loved the postcard; it makes me want to walk right over and leave you a *heart* note on the magnetic poetry on your fridge! I wonder what red wine goes best with “heartfelt gratitude” and “postmarked paper happiness”?

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Snapple Real Fact #98
Snapple - One Kiss

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Officially masterful

Today I received the following on official CND letterhead:

January 22, 2008

Dear Jennifer,

Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that based on a final review of your program of study; you have successfully completed the requirements for graduation from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland.

The letter goes on to say that I can either pick up my diploma at the school or I can request (in writing) to have it sent to me instead. So exciting!! And official!!

But I can’t help but be distracted by the use of a semi-colon instead of a comma in that sentence, can you?? *sigh*

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If you are ever completely stuck trying to figure out a great gift that I will love and cherish and accept with true gratitude (and not a face paired with “Oh, a (insert odd item here)… How nice! Thank you?!“), make me a mix CD. Seriously! I enjoy listening (and singing) to music, but I am completely incapable of creating a music mix. I think too much about it, and so if you were to listen to anything I’ve ever put together it is *completely* obvious as to why each song follows another. And I’m acutely aware of it, so I can’t listen to my own mixes without getting slightly irritated and trying to repopulate my entire CD playlist in my head with new songs. And that much thought about something so trivial just makes me tired.

Yep, make me a mix CD and I’m delighted. And don’t be surprised if I request an annual do-over because whenever a song comes on the radio that is on the CD, and it ends, I start singing the next song on the CD. As if the DJ knows that you put together the BEST MIX EVER so, of course, this song should follow the one we just heard. Duh

Just don’t try to tell me that I could make my own mix if I really wanted to. Because then I would have to patiently explain to you that I am a self-diagnosed perfectionist. And I am learning that perfectionism can be a good thing, but it also has it’s negative aspects. For instance – perfectionism taken to its pathological form makes the sufferer believe that anything less than perfect is unacceptable. Which causes procrastination, self-deprecation, workaholism, anxiety and low self-esteem. It also makes me a candidate for obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders (um, so not going to happen! Have you seen my appreciation for food?) and clinical depression (been there, did that, got a t-shirt).

Basically – perfectionism makes me think, “If I can’t create the ULTIMATE MUSIC MIX OF MY LIFETIME – everytime – then why bother?”

So, I’ve decided that a huge shout-out is in order! This goes out to a few special friends of mine – individuals who have made me rock out in my car to their awesome mixes! THANK YOU for loving me and my shortcomings, for sending me tunes in the mail when distance separates us, and for inspiring me to engage in outrageous car dancing! (Which I should really stop for the safety of those around me, but alas… It’s so not going to happen!)

Jamie – the stuff I would never have even heard of or encountered without knowing her; eclectic and opening musical doors for me every time I listen. The creator of the Don Juan de Llama mixes, the Country Punk mix, the City Stages mix, and several birthday mixes. Music comes as naturally to her as breathing, and I’m always wondering what she’s downloaded since the last time I talked to her.

Max – the creator of my Happy Day mix (thank you for that one, it was much needed and still treasured), the Big Pimpin’ mix, the Metal mix, the Metallica mix, among others. I visited Max in Colorado in ’07 and we drove from the airport to his apartment listening to a new mix that (get this) I got to take home with me! Yeah, he gifted his guest. And that was after buying my plane ticket out there. What a man!

Amy – with whom I actually attempted the art of song mixing (the Wonder Twins mixes, which included the Ass Whoopin’ mix and the Fun Fuck Sex mix), yet who still will randomly take pity on me and toss new rock music mixes and country mixes my way. She also created the I’m Better Off Without You mix – brilliant for getting through a tough time – and the Where’s Max Mix? from when we were totally missin’ our ‘Yes-Man’!

Charles – gifted me with a surprising mix of good beats and slower tunes right around my birthday… I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was obvious he put a lot of thought into it. He had me groovin’ to some tracks, and getting a little introspective on others. An interesting combo!

Jason – the Boba Fett & other punk covers mix, sent to me – unasked – right after my first visit to see him and Jaci down at VA Tech, when I laughed along with Jaci’s singing to the Boba Fett song. I didn’t expect it, but it was so nice to know he thought enough of me to make that CD! I was touched. Thanks, Jay!

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You probably didn’t know

I just ripped off an entire weekend’s worth of pages from my two daily calendars and it’s only THURSDAY. 

I miss the cartoons and toys from my childhood. I have spent $70 on a single pair of Rubis tweezers, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I care too much, always wash the toothpaste out of the sink, and I don’t mind walking to get there. I love to drive; I am not a good passenger. I color-code activities in my dayplanner with highlighters.

I take pictures in my head wherever I go while thinking “I should have brought my camera.” I spend an obscene amount of money on postage each year. I only have one junk drawer, I still drink Nesquik chocolate milk and I prefer showers to baths. I attribute my cat to getting me through college with a measure of sanity. I feel guilty for wanting a puppy.

I have nice eyebrows but bad posture. I don’t care if I break a nail. I think a horse’s nose is the softest part. I cry more for animals than I do for people. I love watching lightning during thunderstorms. I have a need to speak to (in person, on the phone or via e-mail) all of my friends and family before I leave on a big trip, just in case I don’t come back.

I think frozen chocolate chip cookies are a form of edible heaven. I refuse to wear pastels. I like love to climb UP into a big bed. I wish my parents knew how much I appreciate them and all they do. The sound of rain doesn’t let me fall asleep at night. I love to flirt.

Your turn.

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